Unraveling the Mystery: Why Doesn’t a Type Switch Case with Multiple Types Assign the Detected Type to the Variable?
Image by Belenda - hkhazo.biz.id

Unraveling the Mystery: Why Doesn’t a Type Switch Case with Multiple Types Assign the Detected Type to the Variable?

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Are you stumped by the seemingly counterintuitive behavior of type switch cases in Go? Specifically, have you ever wondered why a type switch case with multiple types doesn’t automatically assign the detected type to a variable? You’re not alone! In this article, we’ll delve into the intricacies of Go’s type system, explore the reasons behind this behavior, and provide practical solutions to help you overcome this hurdle.

The Problem: Expectations vs. Reality

Consider the following example, which might seem reasonable at first glance:

func foo(v interface{}) {
    switch v := v.(type) {
    case int, float64, string:
        fmt.Println("detected type:", v) // expectations: prints the detected type
        fmt.Println("unknown type")

However, when you run this code, you might be surprised to find that the `v` variable inside the switch case doesn’t get assigned the detected type. Instead, it still holds the original `interface{}` value. But why?

The Reason: Type Switch Cases and Type Assertions

To understand the behavior, let’s break down what’s happening under the hood:

  • Type Switch Cases: A type switch case is essentially a syntactic sugar for a series of type assertions. When you use a type switch case, the Go compiler generates a cascade of type assertions, which do not assign the type to a new variable.
  • Type Assertions: A type assertion is an operation that checks if an interface value can be converted to a specific type. In our example, `v.(type)` is a type assertion that checks if `v` can be converted to either `int`, `float64`, or `string`. The type assertion returns the underlying value if successful, but it doesn’t modify the original variable.

When you use a type switch case with multiple types, the Go compiler generates a series of type assertions, one for each type in the case clause. However, the type assertion only returns the underlying value if the assertion is successful; it doesn’t assign the detected type to a new variable. This is why `v` remains an `interface{}` inside the switch case.

Solutions: Working Around the Limitation

So, how can you overcome this limitation and assign the detected type to a variable? There are a few approaches you can take:

1. Use a Separate Variable for Each Type

One straightforward solution is to use a separate variable for each type in the case clause:

func foo(v interface{}) {
    switch v := v.(type) {
    case int:
        x := v
        fmt.Println("detected type:", x)
    case float64:
        y := v
        fmt.Println("detected type:", y)
    case string:
        z := v
        fmt.Println("detected type:", z)
        fmt.Println("unknown type")

This approach works, but it can become cumbersome if you have a large number of types to handle.

2. Use a Single Variable with Type Assertions

Another solution is to use a single variable and perform type assertions within the case clause:

func foo(v interface{}) {
    var x interface{}
    switch v := v.(type) {
    case int:
        x = v
    case float64:
        x = v
    case string:
        x = v
        x = nil
    if x != nil {
        fmt.Println("detected type:", x)
    } else {
        fmt.Println("unknown type")

This approach is more concise, but you need to be careful when working with the `x` variable, as it can hold different types depending on the case.

3. Use a Custom Function to Extract the Type

A more elegant solution is to create a custom function that extracts the type and returns it as a new variable:

func getType(v interface{}) (interface{}, string) {
    switch v := v.(type) {
    case int:
        return v, "int"
    case float64:
        return v, "float64"
    case string:
        return v, "string"
        return nil, "unknown"

func foo(v interface{}) {
    x, typeName := getType(v)
    if x != nil {
        fmt.Println("detected type:", typeName, x)
    } else {
        fmt.Println("unknown type")

By encapsulating the type extraction logic in a separate function, you can reuse it throughout your codebase and make your type switch cases more concise.


In conclusion, while a type switch case with multiple types might not automatically assign the detected type to a variable, there are several workarounds you can employ to achieve the desired behavior. By understanding the intricacies of Go’s type system and type assertions, you can write more effective and efficient code. Remember to choose the solution that best fits your specific use case, and don’t be afraid to get creative with your coding approaches!

Solution Pros Cons
Separate Variable for Each Type Easy to read and understand Cumbersome for large number of types
Single Variable with Type Assertions Concise and efficient Requires careful handling of variable type
Custom Function to Extract Type Reusability and concise code Might add extra complexity to codebase

Now, the next time you encounter this issue, you’ll be well-equipped to tackle it head-on and write more effective Go code!

Further Reading

For a deeper dive into Go’s type system and type assertions, check out the following resources:

Happy coding, and remember to stay curious about the intricacies of Go!

Frequently Asked Question

Get the clarity on type switch cases with multiple types and why they behave in a certain way!

Why doesn’t a type switch case with multiple types assign the detected type to the variable?

In Go, when using a type switch with multiple types, the variable is not assigned the detected type because the language designers intentionally chose to avoid implicit type conversions. They aimed to promote explicit type handling, ensuring that developers are conscious of the types they’re working with. Instead, the value is assigned to the default type, which is the type of the original variable.

What’s the reasoning behind Go’s decision to not assign the detected type?

The Go designers believed that implicit type conversions could lead to unexpected behavior and make the code harder to understand. By not assigning the detected type, they encouraged developers to explicitly handle type conversions, making the code more predictable and maintainable.

How can I get the detected type in a type switch case with multiple types?

You can use a type assertion or a type conversion to get the detected type. For example, you can use the syntax `t := val.(Type)` to assert that `val` is of type `Type`, or use a type conversion like `t := Type(val)` to convert `val` to type `Type`. This way, you can explicitly handle the type and avoid any potential issues.

Are there any benefits to not assigning the detected type in a type switch case?

Yes, there are several benefits. One major advantage is that it prevents unexpected type conversions, which can lead to runtime errors or unintended behavior. Additionally, it promotes explicit type handling, making the code more readable, maintainable, and predictable. It also encourages developers to think carefully about the types they’re working with, reducing the likelihood of type-related issues.

Can I use interfaces to get around the limitation of not assigning the detected type?

Yes, you can use interfaces to achieve a similar effect. By defining an interface that includes the methods you need to call, you can use a type assertion or type conversion to get the underlying type that implements the interface. This approach allows you to work with the detected type while still following Go’s explicit type handling philosophy.

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